Number of studios
We have two studios available for ongoing hire or hire by the hour.
Natural light
Both studios have natural light (full length windows with blinds), with sprung floors, tarkett surface, mirrors, ballet barres, bluetooth speakers, reverse cycle air conditioning (heating and cooling), and wheelchair access.
The facilities also include lockers, large toilets with plenty of space for changing, a warm up area that has ballet barres, filtered water , and a piano. There is also a generous waiting area also large enough to be used for workshops, and a bike rack (inside).​

Scroll down for the following information:
Floor plans and photos

Comfortable waiting area


Warmup area
Studio 1
9.8m x 16.1m (158 m2)
32 feet x 53 feet (1,696 feet square)
Ceiling height 3m | 9.8 feet
Sprung floor
Tarkett 'Dancefloor', suitable for ballet, jazz, contemporary (not suitable for hard shoe styles)
Hooks in ceiling suitable for aerial work, such as aerial yoga.

Studio 2
9.2m x 9.9m (91.8 m2)
30 feet x 32 feet (960 feet square)
Ceiling height 3m | 9.8 feet
Sprung floor
Tarkett Granite Acoustic (suitable for all styles, including hard shoe such as tap, Flamenco etc)

Studio Location
Studio is located at
Ground Floor
80-86 Anzac Highway
Everard Park SA 5035
For each studio, there is a base rate, and then you can qualify for up to 30% discount if you meet certain criteria. If you are unsure if you qualify for discounts, please fill in the booking enquiry form below.
Base rates:
Studio 1 $50/hour
Studio 2 $35/hour
Discounts and definitions
Nature of hire
(no discount)
An activity that will earn income (such as classes or workshops for which you will charge a fee)
Non commercial
10% discount)
An activity that doesn't earn income (such as rehearsals, practice, choreographic development)
​Time / day
(no discount)
Monday to Thursday 6-10pm,
Saturday and Sunday up to 6pm
Off peak
(10% discount)
Monday to Thursday up to 6pm,
Saturday and Sundays after 6pm
All day Friday (both before and after 6pm)
Duration of hire:
Short term
(no discount)
Long term
(10% discount)
6 months of more, with signing of a hire agreement
Combining Discounts
Qualify for one criteria: 10% off
Qualify for two criteria: additional 10% off (total 20% off)
Qualify for all three criteria: additional 10% off (total 30% off)
Example Scenarios
Non-commercial booking during off-peak hours for Studio 1:
Base Rate: $50/hour
10% (non-commercial) + 10% (off-peak) = 20% off
Fnal rate: $40/hour
​Commercial booking during peak hours for Studio 2:
Base rate: $35/hour
No additional discounts apply
Final rate: $35/hour
Booking enquiries
Both studios are not available after 5.30pm Monday to Thursday or Saturday before 3.30pm, as we run our own classes in both studios at those times.
Please view our class timetable for more detailed and up-to-date information about when we use the studios ourselves.
​​How to book
If you are interested in a regular or casual booking please complete our online booking request form.
Please note:
We are not able to accommodate bookings with less than 24 hours notice. A hire agreement must be confirmed and hire fee paid before access to the studio is provided
​Studio Booking Officer
Millie Garard - Contact Hours:
11am-2pm Monday
2.30-8.30pm Tuesday
2.30-8.30pm Wednesday
2.30-8.30pm Thursday
9.30-3.30pm alternate Saturdays
Terms and conditions
You can view our Studio Hire terms and conditions